The Supreme Deity in Christianity
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The term “Yahweh“ inated from the Hebrew language in the Old Testament. The one and only true God worshipped by the a Hebrews. Out of reverehey dared not call His name directly. In the scriptures, His name was written as “JHWH“, noting only sonants and not vowels, making it unpronounceable. When reading the scriptures or praying, they used “adhonay“(meaning “My Lord“) instead. Later, Christian theologians ied vowels from the word “adhonay“ into “JHWH“ and spelled it as “Jehovah“, which has bee ventional and is still ioday. Modern scholars believe that “JHWH“ should be pronounced as “Jahve“(with many ese translations such as Yahweh, Yawei, Yawai, Yewei, etc.). Iholic Bible, it is translated as “Lord“ in Italian.
God: The “God“ in the Bible inated from the Hebrew word “Elohim“. As the supreme deity in Christianity, God is the creator and ruler of the universe and rewards the good and puhe evil. The cept of “God“ in the ese fu classics such as “The Book of Songs“,“The Book of History“,“The Book of Rites“, and the Twenty-Four Histories is the supreme deity. The earliest appearance of the term “God“ in ese classics is in “The Book of History - The of Shun“. During the late Ming and early Qing dynasties, translators struggled to determihe appropriate ese term fod“ and thus used the transliteration “Tusi“ of the Latin cept “Deus (Heavenly)“. The first to translate “God“ as “God“ was Matteo Ricci. In his “On Friendship“ written in 1595, he began to use the cept of “God“ to refer to the Creator. When Matteo Ricci read and studied ese classics from a Christian perspective, he found the cepts of “Heaven“ and “God“ in ese classid believed they could be used to translate “Deus“. Later, he learhat Zhu Xi interpreted “Heaven“ as a kind of moral principle, which was different from the meaning of “Deus“ in the Bible. Therefore, he used “Lord“ and “God“ for translation. Later, Morrisohe term “God“. When the missionaries of the Taiping Rebellion translated the Bible, the term “God“ was widely used.
Master King God
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